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love all the hunk dudes :p ;)




this is easily the most gorgeous fvn i have every seen and is simply amazing. like, this is already all ive ever wanted in a furry vn. also this is how you do wolves in a fvn!

as soon as i saw the animation style and the backgrounds, i immediately thought of the point and click adventure games i play (that usually end up having hidden object puzzles) like nightmare realm.

and now i have to make a moontouched version of myself XD


High praise! Thank you for giving the demo a go and sharing your thoughts. I'd love to see your Moontouched lad when you get around to it!

Android version? 


In the works!


The Android build just released!


This is the fastest I rated a game because I am so sure of what I have experienced. 5/5 stars.

The visuals are the best in any VN I have seen so far! Nothing comes close! An EXCELLENT JOB!!!

The writing is also top notch. It matches the quality of the visuals. I love the exposition! We barely started and I already feel part of that world!

If there is anything to criticize negatively  on, it might be the slight overuse of descriptiveness; Lyrically, the extra clause spent describing some things (eg smell of a damp fire) creates a bump in the reading rhythm.

It's not to say you have Purple Prose or poor execution of Thisness, The added descriptions does serve a higher purpose with immersions and shouldn't be cut, but when I compare it to this:

The scene opens to wind whipping flurries of fresh snow in a dark, kinetic, forest, with the first text that reads "When brought to the eroding edge, most cower in awe of its expanse. Brought to their knees by its pinning and left to flee back to the surface, where the hunger is but a whisper".

When I imagine wind, the air as it brushes snow, and sounds of bending and creaking wood, I hear it in the words of the opening scene. Soft plosive sounds and gentle cracking and creaking...

"when brought... cower... knees... pinning... left to flee... back.... surface, where hunger.... whisper" You can see what I mean by the soft plosives resembling the sound of wind, and even creaking wood with the word "pinning" and its long N sound.

I have no idea if it was intentional or not, but I tip my hat to you!

You should use sound and lyrical devices more often, especially when ruining the rhythm to describing certain things with the extra clause. Your writer has the talent for it, I am sure. And even then... You don't have to listen to me. It's still wonderful work regardless of my nitpickiness. 

Let's see what else... I've noticed you put some good flaws and are already setting up multiple conflicts already. I'm sure we're ready to see what happens with the monsters, if the MC is ready, but I am very glad Anoam is making a journey to face his fears. I can see how he coddles the MC a bit too much eg lending the MC his own clothes to warm up. Like I said before, your exposition of showing and not telling is remarkable and I am already invested in his growth.

The tooltip regarding lore/worldbuilding is also neat, even if others may think it ruins the exposition. It is better than leaving us confused. It certainly cleared a lot up when meeting the Matriarch and our friend Ki. Please don't remove it or feel the need to add more info, it tells us just enough without ruining the mystery. Thank you for coding it in!!!

Some of the text is too small though, and I have a large monitor... Mind taking another look at that one scene?

(1 edit) (+3)

Thank you for such a thoughtful review and for the constructive feedback. Most of my writing has been poetry, so adapting to writing novel has been a fun challenge. Thank you for the suggestions, I'll take them to heart! My editor is exceptionally skilled haha
If you're referring to the size of the text as the MC describes a specific vine, that was intended to be the text droning out and the MC not really playing close attention to it!

I had a feeling! Poetry is my main calling as well. You're doing everything right, so don't sweat it! (I just realized you're a one-man studio after writing my previous comment. I am so impressed! And a little ashamed to dare criticize? But we only have 1 life, and I am sure none of us want to live with regrets, so I'll speak my mind XD).

There are a lot of guidelines out there to help people write well, some of which are incompatible with each other, so you have to take any and all advice you hear with a grain of salt. I've a foundation with poetry which helps me when I construct my own fiction writing.

I try to score myself on cadence, rhythm, syllable stresses, assonance/consonance, imagery, thisness, subtext, exposition, foreshadowing...etc Some attributes are poetic, some are for a satisfying 2nd reading. If a sentence doesn't help with my story I just rip it out and write something that will. Unfortunately a perfect score is impossible; you have to just deal with lowering the quality of one or more of these attributes to raise the others.

I will show you what I meant in my previous comment about some descriptions.

"I happily chew at the bread, the smoke of the now-doused fire at the heart of our little encampment fluttering between us".

Smoke, now-doused. -- Really great use of assonance. It just glides right off the tongue and is very easy and pleasant to read.

Imagery is really nice, and I think the varied length of the words also add rustic charm.

The rhythm of that sentence is off though, like a palpitating heart. It was the first thing that I could point to and criticize, and it came after quite a while of reading perfection. Try tapping your finger for all the syllables you read and speak the capitalized syllables a little louder, they will be the stressed ones:

"to BE or NOT to BE, that IS the QUESTion"

"I chew on the crust of the bread as the smoke from the doused fire floats in the chill of our quiet camp".

"I CHEW on the CRUST of the BREAD as the SMOKE from the DOUSED FIRE FLOATS in the CHILL of our QUIET CAMP".

Imagery remains, we add a detail about the bread (though it might even be moldy if they've been walking for weeks XD) we get some consonance that also mimics the sound of crunching on a crust of bread. We keep your beautiful assonance while adding a little more to it.

I doubt there is any more we can do to spruce that sentence up. But like I said, we lose some things... All these words are short, no more than 6 letters.... A variety of length can go a long way in keeping things interesting for the eyes and mind. This version is like a lullaby. Pleasant to the ear, but might put the readers to sleep if that's all you give them. And I am sure you already have an eager audience waiting impatiently for the next build... You can't be nitpicky with absolutely everything. So far these out-of-rhythm sentences are few and far between. Otherwise everything is just -MUAH, perfection!!!

I know the smaller font size it was intended, but it is just a little too small. Had to lean in to read it. If we're talking about breaking the 4th wall, this makes us pay more attention rather than less. I think reducing the transparency might be a better option, right? Just a thought.


I wish I had a time machine to see this game in full.
This is exactly the set & setting I would love to explore. 
So carefully crafted. 

Sometimes I wonder, had it not been the inquisition, would we still have traditions similar to the world you've shared. 
yes i just want to wrestle hot dudes under the moon without paying $10k for ayahuasca trip 


I would love to be able to snap my fingers and see the project finished up, it would be wild to see. I definitely like to imagine a world with a more unashamed sense of sexuality.


(As response to patreon post) - Patreon is probably your safer bet, it's a true and tested method for FVNs. Kickstarters are mostly used to fund copium like.. indie mmos that never get released. 20y old furries won't fund FVNs they will see in 5 years.. maybe. That's for desperate old school gamers and mmorpgs lol.

I think at best you could attempt to do a small kickstarter to secure funds for the first few months of the development.. Setting a reachable goal like 3000$ maybe.. But that would look bad if it fails so why not do a patreon goal instead? If you reach 1500$ on patreon, you'll.. Do something! Like release this year, idk

Thank you for your feedback on this! I've decided to stick to the tried and true Patreon model!

(3 edits) (+3)

Moontouched is promising to say the least. 

The animated CGs are stunning with their fluffy tails flapping behind them and their ears moving adding so much life to the story. Also, the postures and the fact that when you say they remove their clothes, they really remove them on the CG, that's impressive, really. 

The backgrounds are absolutely gorgeous, so realistic even in drawing and the color palettes are so comforting, very nuanced and alive. It seems like we are ourselves roaming the woods, and we were witnessing the beauty of nature. The nature sounds in the background add to that feeling. That's really appeasing. 

The writing is good, even if I spotted a few typos, but nothing too bad. The only issue I have is with the size of the font that is too small and so hard to read on a PC, but worse is the size of the Tooltip that is even smaller, so I have to strain my eyes to read so that's really uncomfortable and doesn't really motivate to read hours upon hours like this.

At first, I was quite disappointed that the demo didn't include the other romance-able characters bur fortunately, a presentation of them was offered at the end of the demo, which I am grateful for because I was so eager to meet them. 

So we have 5 male wolves from different clans : 

- Anoam : The Forsaken, our mentor and savior sort of, loyal, protective and a bit secretive too.

- Kirik : Friend and lover, a pup like us, a "brother" or playmate and probably our first sexual partner, a recently Moontouched. He's literally the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen with his "markings" on his forehead and his arms and chest. 

- Veolf : Tribute of Storms said to be "cocky and lighthearted while at rest, loyal and ruthless when called upon". Well, he has the type of personality I am totally crazy about, so he will definitely be my first choice. Plus he has a piercing, how cool is that! A shame he isn't as beautiful as Kirik in wolf form...

- Raithan : Tribute of Tides, too kind and tasteless for my liking according to his personality description, but to each their own like they say.

- Noakai : Tribute of Flames, he's all ferocity and anger so a hard shell to crack but can be promising...

All in all, I really enjoyed that demo, I wished for more because the lore is still a bit vague with all the clans and their history, but that's off to an excellent start. And the visuals are a wonder with sometimes first person or third-person POV depicted on the CGs and the angles are sometimes very fascinating, I quite enjoyed that part. 

Thank you so much for sharing this new game with us, I wish with all my heart that it will be achieved. And big up to the one who drew the landscapes and the animated wolves! Stunning!

The Bro, Megane, Daddy, Tsundere and the Bad boy. Amen

Joking. I'm sure they'll get more dimensional when we actually meet them. So far met 2 and like both of them..

Hah that's the line-up alright!


Thank you for such a robust review! I appreciate you giving a glimpse of the main 5 lads here for people to check out. I'm really glad you enjoyed your time with it Talyndra. Awooo


Visually: Stunning and awe inspiring
Writing: Well done
Characterization: Still too early to tell, but so far each character has individuality
Effects: tastefully done, adding wow factors to already master-work CGs... Could use a bit more variation in the effects, otherwise well placed

This seems to be the kind of VN that smashes through and will catch everyone's attention, even if personal tastes and what not may not align with the work. I have a feeling as this develops, it is going to be a talking point and reference for a lot of new VNs to come out in the future

9.5/10 (super impressive since its only a short demo) it is clear a lot of love was put into this VN

Thanks for the thoughtful review ZenerDeer, covered all the basics. I'm curious about what you mean by "more variation in effects", if you feel like sharing more!

(3 edits)


The warning has been given~

Being that this is a first build, and that I am sure you are still working with the effects and such, I did not mean what I said  in a bad way at all! (just making sure what I've said and what I am saying isn't coming from a mean critique point <3)

The effects that you have used so far have almost solely been the "ripple/ water droplet" effect with some minor variations such as a "sparkle glow" side effect added. Which are really well place and very powerful in their own right! But what I meant by "more variation in effects" was using a different main effect:

For example; and while it is just a suggestion feel free to ignore or steal from me,, when the fox appears, and the ripple effect shows the woman standing next to the fox, perhaps instead of a ripple, a light-ray transition starting from from the top "blinding" the viewer before dimming and revealing the woman, or perhaps because its in a forest, a leaf-gust transition (or even dirt, as POV is the MC on the ground... so his exhale could possibly disturb the dirt) where the gust causes the POV to lose sight for a moment because of leaves or because of a blink... Or even a ghostly apparition where the woman melds into the scene with ethereal styling...

I do not know the program that you use to create your transitions, and I am but a beginner with art in general myself, so my ideas come from what some of my friends have done with personal (non-furry) projects... So I am unaware of your technical skill with your programs, their limitations, and your experience/knowledge with all of the above. I do however hope this cleared up my comment, and was helpful in one-way or another

Also: I would like to apologize for the late reply, I have been attending the DENFUR con, and haven't been checking itch T.T
(and because I feel I need to, I would like to re-iterate that my comments/critique/suggestions are coming with the hope of being helpful, and not meant to be interpreted in a negative way! <3)


Frankly incredible I didn't expect to fall and discover a VN as animated and detailed as possible it's incredible I didn't expect that especially the sprites the animation of the characters/environment which are fluid and the menu which is animated and stylized with a background that is beautiful and the writing was really good you are a real writer the characters nothing to say Moontouched is the most detailed and animated VN of all the VNs combining world building this is the VN the most unique thing I've ever seen it was a great experience for a demo

 I can't wait to discover more in this world, it's really promising 

(PS I have 2 little favorites :D)


Glad you liked your time with it Puromaru, more to come!

This looks amazing already, well done!

Thanks TommyCat!


This is simply a work of art in every sense!! Completely in love with every tiny detail 😍😍

Very kind of you to say, glad you enjoyed it!

Been following its progress for a bit, im excited and horny.


Honest too


That's the perfect combination to be for what's to come >:)

The art is incredible, and so far the writing is very very good. I can't wait to see where this goes and I will definitely join the Patreon when funds allow!

Thanks Vines, any little bit helps a ton!


OMG what's this game? Never heard of it, is it new? It looks unreal!


BOOM take my werewolf lore and smut!

ur so talented it's insane, thank u so much for creating this game <3


Doh thank you for the kind words!


Omg, it's happening, it's happening IT'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING! 😤😵‍💫🤩🥰❤️

At laaaassst


Here after playing through the demo. Blown away by the worldbuilding that you've done so far, it feels incredibly fleshed out, and also by the amount of detail and general quality that everything has in general, from the writing to the animations/sprites etc...

Can't wait to see more! Looks so so promising =D


Thanks Nollel, more in the works!

(1 edit) (+2)

how many words does the demo have?


Roughly 11.2k words




How big is this going to be exactly ?


Somewhere between 10-13 chapters, depending on how much I want to explore certain moments


Haven't played it yet and I already know I want the wolf on the far right. Badly


but far left tho....


haha the big boys Anoam and Noakai seem to be popular


People have good taste then! 

(3 edits) (+6)

Top dog marks across the board! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I’m absolutely BLOWN AWAY by the insane amount of detail and work put into every aspect of this VN! 😁

The writing is really poetic and extremely well done. I’m a huge fan of using keywords to set up emotions or themes, and the way xou’ve written this story is absolutely phenomenal 😌

I’d also like to applaud how well xou’ve explained the lore. In no way do the many new words or phrases become confusing, which in itself is a major achievement 🙂

The art is FANTASTIC, the interface amazing, and the pacing so freaking well done (even though we’ve barely touched the surface) 😋

Superb work. Seriously. I can easily see this project taking the top spot as my all-time favourite VN 😁


Aye thanks a ton for this feedback Phamyne, it's incredibly inspiring to me to know that people are enjoying it. I can't wait to push it even further!

(6 edits) (+5)

Could I make a fanmade Chinese translation of your game? I really like your game , and I hope there could be more people who speak my native language could share the joy of  playing your delicate game.


I've gotten a few inquiries about translations. I'm gonna take a little time to get some things in order and I'll get back to you!

(1 edit) (+3)

Incredibly beautiful character designs and Backgrounds, and when we talk about backgrounds, just opening this game is like getting into gallery of the worlds masters of art. Really liked the sound design too, and ofcourse story is attracts well. So the demo and author definitely deserves more attention. This is what i wish for this project.

Thank you for that wish Too Kus (great name btw)
I owe the polish of the demo to my Patrons over on Patreon who have been supporting me for months while I worked on this. The goal now is to get a little more funding to hire some musicians and coders! We're on our way there for sure!


this is AMAZING! the art... the story, the characters, i love it so much.
i really want to see more, im gonna wait for the futures updates!
hugs and luck to you and your proyect!


Big hugs back to you Alan! Thanks for your kind words!

(1 edit) (+3)

The demo was amazing <3 I love the world of Moontouched. you did a great job. i cant wait for  the full game


Thank you Nathaniel! It's cookin'


So, Moontouched. Well I really cannot hide my surprise with the sheer quality of this VN, Art, Sound and Prose immersed me like few other VNs can, like it felt I was really in a cold forest.

The VN is very in early stages so if you are reading this thinking of playing I really incentivize you to try this ASAP, I have big hopes for this project as a whole and I pray for it's success, but also control your expectations, the current demo but a good intro for it.

Now to some points I would like to bring attention to it. First is the prose, the way characters talk might feel a bit weird at first, it reminds me a lot of Tolkien books with a flair that really immerse you but also makes you look up words online, do I think is a bad thing? No on the very contrary I really hope S.Anima keeps the way it is going, it's not pretentious but also not crude, it hits right in the sweet spot.

Second thing I want to talk briefly is the romance options, I will not go in depth because we don't know much about them yet, however I can say so far as I see there is pretty much someone for everyone, their are differently enough but not so much that they feel out of place. (Personal note: I really really really enjoy Anoam, even with the few moments I had with him made me feel such a strong connection to it and I want to know so much about him and see how his character will develop along the story).

The last point I want to make is for more prude people or Ace is that the VN has casual nudity. Is not something I wish to be changed is more personal then actual critic but I want to point it out for so anyone reading this have a right idea of what to expect of this VN. All in all it's a really good VN with potential to grow into something amazing. I really hope one day S.Anima makes one VN but with felines as the focus for no persona desires reasons.


Wow friend, thank you so much for taking the time to write this all out. I'm really relieved to hear that the prose stuck it's landing for you. I know it won't be everyone's favorite cup of tea, but for me, it goes a long way to help establish the setting and offer insights into the character's experiences. Hopefully I can keep riding in the sweet spot and not overstay my welcome. 

I appreciate your warning for the less sexually inclined readers out there. Moontouched will be unapologetically sexual in nature, as it is in the cultures we'll be exploring, but a good warning is always an appreciated thing.

We'll see about that feline VN hah, I have a feeling Moontouched might be my one and done with how large of a project it is ;)


I am just impressed with the visuals here... like I was expecting it to be AI no offence but... I can not find any evidence of that on my part which just makes me even more stunned. 

It looks great and has potential as a story while also drawing in some people already with it not even having been out for a Day.

You could have a big hit on your hands man so all luck to ya.


Haha yeah no AI here. Just a cramped hand and countless hours. Glad you're enjoying the game so far!


This is a very promising start. The visuals are beautiful and the writing makes for a delightful read. There is a lot of interesting worldbuilding going on with the various tribes, the gods and spirits. I am looking forward to the next release. :)


Glad to hear you're enjoying the lore so far. I lure people in with sexy werewolves and then bait and switch my silly lore in ;)


I've been waiting for this ever since the first teasers! I played the first hour or so and I'm already hooked and so impressed.
I'd love to know how you did that animation in the main menu screen, because it made my jaw drop. Is it a combination of a looped pre-rendered video clip and SnowBlossom for the dust particles?
Your work is always both humbling and inspiring. Best of luck Moontouched mate! I'll follow you closely


Thank you for your kind words Raus, and for the playthrough video you made!

The main menu animation is done entirely in After Effects. The assets were hand painted and then spliced up for easy rigging and then I used a slew of particle effects. From there I just set up the loop and exported as a webm 

I'll keep at it for sure, your feedback is inspiring!


wow, this vn will definitely be an amazing one for sure, the deep story telling and lore thats awaiting to be discovered is amazing and the art is just gorgeous. really cant wait to see how this story comes along

Glad to hear that you're enjoying the story as well as the art so far. I'm really excited to share more


The project clearly has great potential!

Thanks Fini!


I love the art style. Can't wait for an Android version!


Can't wait to be a werewolf! :D 

(2 edits) (+5)(-5)

This is absolutely beautiful! the art is soooo stunning, truly one of the most beautiful art pieces I've seen here on itch (if not the best), the story seems really well done too (you would think that by this point we would have a lot of werewolf stories but I don't recall seeing something like this) so it was as amazing as a little demo could be but I'm already wanting more, can't wait to see this project develop, hope you get lots of funding cuz this is truly amazing <3 and just by looks Noakai looks amazing, do you plan on having like poly routes? cuz honestly they all looking so hot lol


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the project so far Wiccane! I won't confirm or deny any group play or relations just yet haha


Looks great !!! Will we be seeing an android version anytime soon ?


Yup yup!


I want to Android download it game pls 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 thx


It's in the works! Stay tuned


Inspired after reading this, gonna go solve world peace now ty <3.

.. Seriously though, fantastic and I’m blown away by the demo! I will eagerly watch this project and hope you get lots of recognition and readers eager to become instant fans!


Werewolves absolutely lead to world peace :)
Glad you enjoyed your time with it Praedyth


Please do not gloss over this visual novel.

Moontouched is a dime-a-dozen VN about the main character's spiritual journey through one of the most evocative and compelling settings I've ever seen.

The writing is superb. The art is excellent. The backgrounds give you glimpses into a foreign world that makes you crave to know more. The makers of this VN very clearly love the world they write about, giving the narrative the care and love it needs to thrive.

This VN pulls you into another world and truly allows you to feel the physical and emotional journey you're undertaking as Sorren and as a Moontouched. An added feature is that the writer very cleverly worked in a tool-tip system for persisting details about the setting that you can mouse over and brush up on if you ever feel lost.

I will be purchasing this visual novel and am waiting with bated breath to play more. 


Thank you for taking the time to write this out Gaur, I'm pretty beside myself to get such a review. Thank you! I look forward to sharing mor


I honestly can't wait for when the VN gets updated out of the demo cause I'm already in love with the characters I met in the demo


Really glad you enjoyed the characters so far Bowigi!


A FVN about werewolves? Sign me the fuck up, dude!!!


Big sad there aren't many out there,I had to do something ;)

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