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I'm very impressed by the visual quality. I really hope this one gets completed.


I cant wait to See the full Game, amd i cant wait to get the black Werwolf known better

Lately I've been into this semi-hyperrealistic or whatever you want to call it artstyle and this is perfect for it. All the best to you and I hope you manage to finish the story and game! 


This is going to be a painful wait.

The art is beautiful, the lore is intriguing, and I greatly appreciate the spiritual aspects tied in, all while acknowledging the carnality of it (the ritual literally includes sex, lol, love it).  

This is going to become a favorite of mine, but I'm not going to want to experience it piecemeal... I'm going to want to wait for it to be all done.  I think playing each chapter as it comes out would just kill me, honestly.  I'm going to have to check back in six months, a year maybe, and fingers crossed its done and I can drown in it <3


6 months to a year to be finished lmao. I think a more realistic guess is 3-4 years. Look at other finished visual novels and how long they were out before being finished.

This game is kind of perfekt...

... but some of the text is a bit 2 bright for my eyes (@_@;)


I hope this game will be another great (or even more for connoisseurs) visual novel that makes differences for the everyday mind really craves, and that it will take off in the VN charts, because I feel such deep feelings during the demo of the story that I have not experienced for a long time, definitely deserve people's attention and support.

Author, you settled in my heart for your work, god... >///<

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