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i love it


I freaking love the art style, the lore, and the sounds so so fuckin good


I can't explain how astonishing this is.I love every single bit of the demo.The story,graphics and everything else is just so well made.Truly something that I'm looking forward to it in the future,which I really hope there will be a full release.Keep up the amazing work!


I really loved the demo, it's beautiful with an incredible story and even as a demo it has a wonderful mythology. I was enchanted and anxious for the full novel.


So vivid,Wolves really open their mouths during text conversations

Brush  of sprite seem to ravage against my sensitive zone

UnNNNNforgettable!I would just remember the game this life

I believe that maybe you should check the Main Menu Screen in the Android Version

Its lagging a lot in my device and its very capable of running PSP emulation and other VN's normally


So fwucking cool, the graphics are so so so good, lore just how I like I need more!!!!

I don't see a Mac download


This game has much better lore, graphics, and cutscenes than Genshin Impact...

And I will die on this hill




I just subscribed to the Patreon pack leader status, because I  definitely believe in the potential of your visual novel. This is the best one I've seen in a VERY long time. It's got amazing artwork and very interesting lore. I can't wait for more updates!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

Dang... this is the most beautiful VN i never see. Sadly for now is just a demo but i will love to see more in the future 


Such a good game wasted on furry content


Moontouched is a celebration of furry and monster content. It's alright that it isn't your cup of tea, but please, do be mindful about what you call a waste. Developing this game has brought a lot of joy to an otherwise challenging life for me.


I liked this game. I hope and look forward to the development of this project


Thanks Ko, I look forward to sharing more!


This has to be the best developed demo I've ever seen, art and story lore is incredible


Thanks friend, I'm glad you're enjoying the lore!


Love this VN so far! Can't wait to see more!

More on the way!

Could you please allow us to increase font size and/or change font style? I love the game and the great work, but I am having difficulty to read.


We'll look into it for the release of Chapter One!

Thanks  :)

Is 0.2.0 just the addition of the Android and Linux builds, or were there changes made to the Windows build as well?

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The Windows version is now optimized at roughly 1/3rd the size of the original upload! Apart from that it's the same demo!


Need to know what kind of drugs did you pump into this cause this is single-handedly the most gorgeous VN I have laid my eyes on. Also wanna add that the story is very compelling so far and the characters introduced feel very fleshed out.

I genuinely cannot wait to see more of this.


Thanks for the kinds words Ozzie! So glad you enjoyed it

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Will there be an android build in the future?

I would love that ^_^   


Just released an Android build right now!


Okay, you can be accused of many things, but modesty is not one of them. The visuals of your VN were a blast from the first second. Awesome, just awesome. Can´t wait to see more.

The only downside I can see is, that it is obviously too ambitious a project to pull off on your own.

Not exactly looking forward to waiting years inbetween updates.


I'm happy to say that help has arrived! A few people have joined the team and everything is on track. It'll be a long road for sure, but exciting things take time!


The storyline is well developed and full of detail and the art is just astounding. I've never seen a VN with such quality till now. This game is truly a gem, I cannot wait for future updates!

Thanks friend, I'm looking forward to the next update as well


Hey!I've played the game and I have to say that every aspect of this game is truly amazing, I'd love for this game to be finished instead of being abandoned halfway through and hopefully see an android version in the future :)


I won't be abandoning it, no worries there. Moontouched means a lot to me!

Glad to hear it, I will support you on patreon :)


This art is so detailed and the lore is so rich. The self-awareness and consideration to include tooltips instead of having the player access an in-game encyclopedia or to leave them to their own devices once information has already been conveyed is so refreshing! So to speak, I “don’t even go here” (typically), if you understand my meaning, but this work is impressive and I’m glad I checked out the demo. I hope this project and any others you may undertake are appreciated. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for such a kind review, I'm honored that you took the chance on Moontouched even if it's not your normal flavor of tea :)


Have you considered supporting more languages for this game? Such as Chinese.

I have, still in consideration!


Fantastic start! Can't wait to see more. If I can offer some minor feedback, I found the music and sound settings to be a bit too low in volume, despite having them turned all the way up in the options.


Thanks for giving Moontouched a go! Hmm, they're fairly loud on my settings when I crank it up. Could it be you have custom audio mixer values? Either way, I'll look into it!


You know what, my audio mixer was exactly what was causing the problem. Sorry for the confusion!

No problem at all! Glad it got resolved for ya


will it be released for linux? i'd like to play this on my steam deck hehe

Linux builds are in playtesting right now

okay, thank you!


Reading this VN has fucked up my standards ten times over. I just see that each time I play another one, I would end up comparing it to THIS LIKE-

GOD the Visuals are so beautiful, the worldbuilding is interesting, and each character feels "full" - not one dimensional -. This VN is hands-down my favorite and I am EXTREMELY excited to see how it would play out.


Haha makes me happy to hear you enjoyed the art and story so far. Much more to come


Oh my god. Where to begin???

This VN has hands down some of the most gorgeous and intricate visuals I've ever seen. Not only is the artwork of some of the highest quality you can get, but it's also animated in certain parts!? To see such high-level craftsmanship in a VN is a pleasant rarity, but to this extent is something truly special.

The story is also something to behold. It's clear as day that a lot of care and planning went into making the world and characters of Moontouched. Every character feels unique and alive, with not a single character slowing down or dragging the story to any extent. Kirik is easily my favorite, such a good boy.

Even if this is just a short demo, I was blown away with how simply astonishing this VN is. Hats off, 10/10. I'm on the edge of my seat for future releases!

Thank you for the review horchata! Kirik is indeed a good boy :)

If i'm gonna read another VN that is not as good as this, i'm not interested lol

doh, they've all got their strengths and charms!

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Will there be an Android or IOs version? Just curious because I don't currently have a windows or MacOS😭 pls do make one of those if you can :)))

ios has a good renpy emulator called “spark”. Android has bunch of those too, probably.

Workin on an Android build now!

OMG I'm so excited tysm, best author ever>33

Dude I was looking for vns to read that I haven't already and the way I screamed when I saw this, I appreciate you sm author ❤️

hah I appreciate you too reader, thanks for giving it a go!

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OMG even the Demo is so good and the story is much complex but i like it full of lore, And the expressions for all character i say is very good, and the animation on the end of the demo, hell that was fire and i hope in the future we have that cg animation again that was very cooooool.

Beside that Anoam expression is remind me to william from TSR and somehow for the first time i see him idk he look cool and sweet, i hope this game can go to final chapter and the quality of the game become more good

(srry if my english bad because english is not my main language)

Happy to hear that you enjoyed Anoam, he's a special one


Amazing art and world building.  Love all of the facial expressions and body language.  The animated cut scene to the VN title at the end is so beautiful.  Thanks for sharing your talent with us.


Yesss, those animated scenes are a lot of fun to do, expect more of them!


Absolutely amazing! What a great start! Professional quality and the most beautiful artworks I have ever seen in FVN. (Kirik is so gorgeous!) Best of luck! :D


Kirik is indeed a pretty lad, glad you think so too!


God this is absolutely increible, I'm SO excited for more of this to be released! Keep up the incredible work <3


Thanks! I'm keepin' at it


Dude I have to say, this is one of the most beautifully drawn and written vn i've seen so far, the world building is fantastic and so easy to digest despite being so heavy in lore and information, the way the characters talk and interact with each others is so natural and alive its been a blast to read, and the mc you gave us is just perfect in the way he's not a blank canvas at all, its a breath of fresh air for the usual transparent and "lifeless" mcs I've seen so far, he has depth and character which I just love!

I can't wait to see more of your fantastic work and the lore you have in stock for us, especially when its heavily inspired by celtic lore in terms of customs and spiritualism!

Thank you for the review Iraelo! I'm glad you enjoy how the game is shaping up so far. I'm really excited to share more


MC looks ugly af. Who will want to play as this neckbeard?


The MC looks fine to me.


For all of us !!


Ya all just brainwashed by the woke mind virus that states ugly is beautiful now. Not surprised.


why are you getting so worked up? so strange it almost feels like bait


You've revealed the secret agenda of this whole project, well done sir


We need an android version of this beautiful game to further spread the agenda :3


I'm not woke and I think the MC looks ok. Not all gay people are femboys. Some, unfortunately, even look like you. I meant on the inside...

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How being manly and ugly is woke?

I tought that theory was all about over feminizing men (cuz a delicate man can still look manly and use a GUN) and stuff, relax, we love ourselves and love what we are, men, simply men


MC look good, make me wonder how he looks like when he shift


me I wanna play as this neckbeard.


Thou has bad taste

He sexy AF, wTFdym?

He's okay honestly. I'm crazy about him, but he looks good enough. Muscular, masculine, it fits. Makes more sense than some overly gay twink type.

Only human character that threw me off so far was Amia, but hey, at least she's not the MC.


Amazing demo


Thanks RK!


sooo, uuuh i don't know how to say this, it's just gorgeous, i think i never seen something so gorgeous on the visual department this is setting new and higher standard jesus christ! also i like the hovering tooltip on "particular words" it makes the reading way smoother and doesnt require you to remember everything at least, the story so far seems interesting i surely see potential but its still too early to tell something else but i'm sure as hell keeping my eye on this.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts Folvin, I'm glad you enjoy the tooltip feature!

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